Our collection of fire appliances, uniforms, and operational equipment will take you on a journey exploring the early days of firefighting across Scotland through to the modern day single service as we know it today.
What is there to see and do?
The museum is one gallery that is split into five main themes, packed with tales of action, feats of heroism, and stories of how firefighting is constantly evolving to improve its service to the public. Throughout the museum there are a range of digital interactives to delve deeper into the topics and activities for families including dressing up for children.

Early Days
The Early Days of firefighting look a lot different than what we know today. Competing commercial companies, communities supplying their own equipment and a young man destined to change everything?! Explore the origin story of the Fire Service, highlights include the role of Fire Insurance Companies, the rise of James Braidwood and the impact Great Fire of Edinburgh had in shaping firefighting as we know it.

On the Run
From wooden fire appliances to rubber boots – we’re On the Run to get to a fire quickly and handle it safely. Are the equipment and the people are fit, serviceable and ready for action? Find out how firefighters have prepared to respond to “Call Outs” by exploring centuries of equipment – appliances, fire hoses, fire kit – and the control room.

Being a Firefighter
Plumbers, masons and joiners – oh, my – those were the fulltime professions of the first Scottish firefighters. Although requirements and training have changed over the centuries, what hasn’t is the dedication, variety of skills and hard work it takes to wear the uniform. Learn about recruitment, the training experience and the extremely unique roles played by our ‘canine crews!

Your Safety
When we know better, we do better! And this means that fire safety messages change with the times, as we gather more information and technology. Explore these galleries to see how the fire service has used comic strips, posters, radio and more to capture the public’s attention and spread the word. Will you recognise the historic campaigns?

Temporary Exhibition
Learn about the role WWI and WWII had on the formation of Fire Brigades across the UK, how did this impact the changing role of women in the Fire Service and society as a whole? What happened to civilians who joined as volunteers during WWII?

Visiting with Children
Children love the nee naws and we have 5 historic fire trucks on display for them to see. They can also peek out onto the training yard to see firefighters doing their daily drills. In addition we have spotter sheet (suitable for under 5s), dressing up kit, touch screen interactives (for older children), Bookbug, Lego Club and toilets w/ baby changing facilities.