Learning at The Museum
of Scottish Fire Heritage
Just like firefighters are continually learning through out their careers, at MoSFH we also believe in lifelong learning. Here you can find out more about our resources to support schools and education-based learning. Spark your own personal interest, use at home or in the classroom or even as part of a visit to our museum.

Twinkl website
We have been working in partnership with Twinkl to create a range resources exploring the history and evolution of Firefighting in Scotland. Resources for teachers for inside and outside the classroom.

Heritage and Outreach Handling Pack
Packed full of information for you to successfully plan and deliver sessions on the history of the fire service.

Colour in your own fire engine!
Colour in the fire engine to match the vehicles we have in the museum. Once you’re finished, we’d love to see it! Ask a grown up to upload it and tag our social media accounts.
The temperature fire kit can withstand!
Fires in the last 12 months caused by tumble dryers.
Accidental Fires in Scottish homes last year.
Types of uniform ranks in the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
We’re 5 Stars!
Everyone has worked hard to get the museum developed and open to the public. Our volunteers have been involved every step of the way and continue to offer an exceptional service.
From the Basement: Two large valves
Find out more about from the basement: two large valves